cp1275 寫:
魚缸尺寸 : 60cm X 30cm X 36cm
Tetra EX120 濾桶 夠用嗎? Yes, it should be fine. But I have bad experience with Tetra products. They all died in less than 6 months.
打算種陽草,用ADA泥邊一種好呀? ADA I, always.
及要用幾多包呢? 9L
如果用LED燈具60cm 9.8wX4 夠光嗎? No way.
又話姐LED 10w X10 Sorry, I don't know. Let other c hings help.
定用鹵素燈150w +T5燈管 24W X 2 That's too much.
24W T5HO X6 That's too much. For your tank size, it should around 72W-96W.
四種邊種好D 呢?
冷水機海利HC-130A 夠用嗎? It should be fine.
如果用LED燈具唔用冷水機得唔得呢? No way. When the room temperature increases in summer, the temperature of water increases, too. If you find chillers too expensive, you may start with cooling fans. It will drop 2c-3c below the room temperature. For plants, I'd say 24c-26c would be the optimal temperature for most of the plants.