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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2008-07-09 00:23 

註冊時間: 2008-04-21 21:53
文章: 35

I am a new user, I want to setup a Kotobusi 36"x9"x10" (47L) tank. The width and height is fit for my cabinet.

I have the following equipments on hand:
a) 1 x Eden501濾桶
b) 1 x internal filter (no detalis, waterfall style, small size)

What I want:
1. 主要是莫絲 (due to the budget, want to use diy co2 only, and easy to take care), with some 陽草
2. in fact, want to use 沙底 (easy to clean), but if I want to feed some plant, know that better use 泥底, so ,
want to use the 一番泥 since I like it's color is wholly black

My questions:
q1. I know the 501 is not enough, what filter should I add? (i want to add only 1 L size Excel hanging filter?) If 濾桶 is required, any suggestion? (but my cabinet is small, the avaiable height is < 13")
q2. Want lamp should be used?
q3. If the whole tank using 一番泥 (or with some power sand in the bottom only), does it work? any suggestion?
q4. How about 1/4 bottom area 泥底, 3/4 bottom area 沙底?

Please give me some suggestions, including where to buy those equipemnt and how much does it cost.

Thank you very much! ^^

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2008-07-17 15:55 

註冊時間: 2007-01-24 23:47
文章: 161
建意你玩 24” 先。
eden 501 遠遠唔夠。 用 Eheim 2026. 唔夠 budget 就用 EX 吧。 唔好用掛濾啦。
燈你都無乜得選﹐ 用 24" x 3 T5HO
泥唔好用一番。 用返 Ada Amazon II 就算啦

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