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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-27 18:57 

註冊時間: 2003-03-29 23:44
文章: 590
來自: 沙田
家裡不夠位,co2樽要橫放在雪柜頂,有無危險哩?潛水看過這網一討論,內文講英文(Excuse me, but I worked with pressurized gas cylinders for 12 years in the
> military. They pounded every safety rule there ever was into our head from
> "duck when the enemy is firing" to "keep your thumb out from under a moving
> hammer". They never mentioned to the best of my knowledge any danger
> associated with horizontal storage except the possibility of it launching
> itself when you break the valve off. If it is stored safely in the tank
> cabinet, what is the likelyhood of that? Is there some other
> problem you are
> refering to?)上文唔係睇得好明,請高人指教,以免出事!

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-27 21:59 

註冊時間: 2004-08-15 13:09
文章: 1179
來自: 香港島
Should there be a leak in a high-pressurized gas cylinders, the gas tends to rush out and a jet will occur.
If it is placed horizontally, I think it may fly as equipped with a jet engine. Who knows what will happen.
This is my imagination and of course it depends on the force of the jet. :e
I think the bottle should be located vertically, it looks comfortable. :d
Do you agree? :-n06

琉璃世界波光影 流轉逍遙逐水城
回首前塵疑是夢 迷濛醉眼羨魚情

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-27 22:20 

註冊時間: 2004-08-15 13:09
文章: 1179
來自: 香港島
I've missed something.
Compressed gas should be kept in a cool place as mentioned in the menu. The top of the fridge is certainly not a suitable place for the bottle. :-n10
High-pressured gases are regarded as dangerous goods and are stored in Dangerous Good Store as specified in the code of practice.

琉璃世界波光影 流轉逍遙逐水城
回首前塵疑是夢 迷濛醉眼羨魚情

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-27 22:46 

註冊時間: 2004-04-03 14:17
文章: 191
來自: Tai Po

Cylinder Storage:

Store cylinders in an upright position.

Compressed gas cylinders should be secured firmly at all times. A clamp and belt or chain, securing the cylinder between "waist" and "shoulder" to a wall, are generally suitable for this purpose.

Cylinders should be individually secured; using a single restraint strap around a number of cylinders is often not effective.

Keep valve protective caps in place when the cylinder is not in use.

Keep valves closed on empty cylinders.

Cylinders must be kept away from sources of heat.

Cylinders must be kept away from electrical wiring where the cylinder could become part of the circuit.

Store cylinders in well-ventilated areas designated and marked only for cylinders.

Cylinder Use:

Be sure all connections are tight. Use soapy water to locate leaks.

Keep cylinders valves, regulators, couplings, hose and apparatus clean and free of oil and grease.

Keep cylinders away from open flames and sources of heat.

Safety devices and valves shall not be tampered with, nor repairs attempted.

Regulators shall be removed when moving cylinders, when work is completed, and when cylinders are empty.

Cylinders shall be used and stored in an upright position.

The cylinder valve should always be opened slowly. Always stand away from the face and back of the gauge when opening the cylinder valve.

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