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 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-13 14:56 

註冊時間: 2001-10-10 08:00
文章: 1109
來自: 中國-香港特別行政區
kpchg4 寫:
==> I am using 4 ~ 4.5" PVC ( bought it from Mongkok, 12"...just $9 )

Do you mean the diameter's length?

kpchg4 寫:
There is only 3 x T5 holder (BMC) .....if you need 4 x T5... you need DIY another 燈箱 not using PVC that could put 4 x single T5 insider it. Wood or plastic is better.

Is it 8W T5管 for the 3 x T5 holder?
How much it cost?

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-13 15:03 

註冊時間: 2004-06-14 14:17
文章: 523
nil 寫:
kpchg4 寫:
==> I am using 4 ~ 4.5" PVC ( bought it from Mongkok, 12"...just $9 )

Do you mean the diameter's length?

kpchg4 寫:
There is only 3 x T5 holder (BMC) .....if you need 4 x T5... you need DIY another 燈箱 not using PVC that could put 4 x single T5 insider it. Wood or plastic is better.

Is it 8W T5管 for the 3 x T5 holder?
How much it cost?

Do you mean the diameter's length?
==> Yes

Is it 8W T5管 for the 3 x T5 holder?
==> Yes, has 20% discount just $85 included 3 tubes ( tube is brand "S" ... not BMC).

P.S. I think my PVC is little bit small for the 3 x T5 holder.... you may need to buy a 5" or 6". Also, 3 x T5 just in sinlge power, no independent switch.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-13 15:13 

註冊時間: 2001-10-10 08:00
文章: 1109
來自: 中國-香港特別行政區
kpchg4 寫:
Do you mean the diameter's length?
==> Yes

Is it 8W T5管 for the 3 x T5 holder?
==> Yes, has 20% discount just $85 included 3 tubes ( tube is brand "S" ... not BMC).

P.S. I think my PVC is little bit small for the 3 x T5 holder.... you may need to buy a 5" or 6". Also, 3 x T5 just in sinlge power, no independent switch.

Are you using 4" or 5" PVC tube now?
How many T5 tubes you put in?

Which shop has 20% discount?
Is the "S" brand good?
Somebody said that BMC brand is better.

For the 3 x T5 holder, does it still function if one of the tube 燒?

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-13 15:32 

註冊時間: 2004-06-14 14:17
文章: 523
nil 寫:
kpchg4 寫:
Do you mean the diameter's length?
==> Yes

Is it 8W T5管 for the 3 x T5 holder?
==> Yes, has 20% discount just $85 included 3 tubes ( tube is brand "S" ... not BMC).

P.S. I think my PVC is little bit small for the 3 x T5 holder.... you may need to buy a 5" or 6". Also, 3 x T5 just in sinlge power, no independent switch.

Are you using 4" or 5" PVC tube now?
How many T5 tubes you put in?

Which shop has 20% discount?
Is the "S" brand good?
Somebody said that BMC brand is better.

For the 3 x T5 holder, does it still function if one of the tube 燒?

Are you using 4" or 5" PVC tube now?
==> should be 4" ( I am not sure ...or 4.5")
How many T5 tubes you put in?
==> 3 ( single holder for 3 X T5 )

Which shop has 20% discount?
==> I forgot the company name.....just go down to the 弼 street... . a new company ...so have discount

Is the "S" brand good?
Somebody said that BMC brand is better.
==> don't know ar....someone said BMC is better...but the holder is BMC

For the 3 x T5 holder, does it still function if one of the tube 燒?
==> still function. I had DIY the holder too. I cut out the wire of the tube in the middle to connect another single tube holder. ( as I need one tube 24hrs on )

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-13 22:31 

註冊時間: 2004-06-14 14:17
文章: 523
My DIY Light:

4" PVC Tube ($9 at Mongkok)
3 x T5 ($84 from現代照明, 20% discount, as they moved to a new shop. The new address is Shop D, G/F 1145-1153, Canton Road, MongKok (just go downwards to the 弼街))
Azoo Lamp stand ($30 from FS)


 文章主題 : Re: [問題]PL vs T5
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-09-15 05:11 

註冊時間: 2003-03-01 11:48
文章: 723
來自: Kwun Tong
kvhui 寫:

I am going to setup a tank that is 24"L x 20"H x 16"D. May I know if PL or T5 is better?


Please pay attention :m :m :m :m

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