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 文章主題 : Water chiller
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-02-18 19:37 

註冊時間: 2002-01-27 01:15
文章: 133
來自: Tsuen Wan
Happy Lunar New Year to all!

Summer will come after Spring and I want to have a water chiller to keep the water temp.. My tank reached max.[glow color=red]38C[/glow]at last summer, algae like it and CO2 reduce...

Any experience can be shared of using water chiller.

Thermoelectric chillers seem to be quite attactive, quiet and small. But I worry with its performance since I have a thermoelectric refrig. but it spent half day to cool down a pack of coke.

Like TECO chiller:圖檔

On the other hand, I see a Ice probe selling before in fish street, is it useful for 80L tank.

Ice probe: 圖檔

Please advise! Thanks

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