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 文章主題 : glossos
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-02-10 14:28 

註冊時間: 2002-02-09 16:12
文章: 95
來自: usa
hi every one i am new to this forum. i have a problem with glossos. they don't grow horizontal but vertical. my tank is 2.5g and has a 13watt pl on top of it. the bulb is 6700k, and i am using diy co2 connected into a powerhead. the tank has some green algae on the glass and on some of plant's leaves what should i do? i mean buth the growth problem and aglae problem. thanks.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-02-11 01:07 

註冊時間: 2002-01-09 08:00
文章: 51
來自: Kwun Tong
hi charles, it seems your glossos doesn't get the right lighting for it to grow but algae. I don't mean the power of the light but spectrum since u are using pl only and I've heard that algae love the spectrum of pl.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-02-11 05:56 

註冊時間: 2002-02-09 16:12
文章: 95
來自: usa
hi thanks for the advice, i am in the usa, in here i don't have that much choice for a small tank like 2.5g in terms of light supply. i have a 13watt power compact light, i don't know if it is the pl light or not. is sepectrum measure by k? like the one i am using is 6700k. if it is, what kind of sepectrum i should use? btw, my light is 2 inchs above the tank and there is a glass cover on top of my tank can that be the problem?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-02-11 18:46 

註冊時間: 2002-01-09 08:00
文章: 51
來自: Kwun Tong
the tubes here we called PL is the same as your power compact in state. your tube is 6700K, the unit K is Kelvin which is the unit for temperature and in this case you are talking about color temperature of the tube. Where sepectrum is talking about the light wave emitted by the tube and that is different than the color temperature. you may search for your power compact tube manufacturer for the sepectrum spec. and if you found that please tell me as I also want to know. but I've heard that PL has the wavelength that promote aglae growth. For best growth of water plants the wavelength of the light should have higher power at 430nm, 555nm and 630nm.

you may refer to the following link,

hope this help :c

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