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 文章主題 : [分享]Power Head Only
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-15 23:19 

註冊時間: 2002-04-30 14:06
文章: 221
來自: Kowloon City
Hello all,
Very long time haven't been here. If some of you still remember that couple months ago I've mentioned that I would like to try a filterless tank and to keep you guys informed.

This is the case now. After I came back from a couple weeks vacation, two fishes died, other are hungry, grass grow crazy everywhere in the tank. Little algae build up also. I also found that my tiny internal filter basically 90% clogged. Well, I think that is a best time I take out my filter and other stuff. Therefore, last week I took away my filter, CO2, CO2 indicator, thermometer and leaving only a small Eden104 power head. 5 days already passed, NH3/4 still maintain zero. Nitrite very low level. Nitrate less than 40. I still keep high light but using the grass and floating leaves as light control. So far so good.

I also tried to not exchange water as well. Let see if I have any luck several weeks later.

Good to see many new members joined as well.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-15 23:54 

註冊時間: 2001-10-19 08:00
文章: 376
來自: Rio Negro
i think u better keep nitrate less than 10ppm.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-16 11:53 

註冊時間: 2002-05-28 18:16
文章: 412
來自: 香港南區
Havn't seen your post for long, welcome back. Nitrate level is a bit high as AI said, the clogged filter may be the supply of nitrate. Pls keep us inform of your tank's status and post the picture when you have time.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-16 20:30 

註冊時間: 2002-04-30 14:06
文章: 221
來自: Kowloon City
Thanks. After I stopped CO2, most of my twisted villas died immediately except for two, which they start grow new leaves yesterday. The "Luk Gok Toi" still floating and growing with some bubbles as well (maybe due to very close to light)

I also have headache of how to lower the nitrate level without frequent water changes. I guess I still haven't got plants.

Pictures........right now is pretty ugly and messy. Many leaves attached with algae......luckily not those black fur one. Just the green spot. After I stop the filter, they grow a bit faster than usual.

OK, let this tank run for some more time before I post some pictures.


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