"紅色素淡化才是缺鐵" ? I guess there are more than one reason for 綠色淡化. Iron is the key ingredient of 葉綠素, it may cause the green leafs to decolorize.
Is the OLD leafs not green enough or the NEW leafs fading color ?
If the OLD leafs, it is likely to be the deficiency of Nitrogen or Potassium, If the New leafs fading color, it is likely to be Iron.
You can also see more details in
http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Fertilize ... iency.html
建議先試一試dupla24 或ada step1 吧~~~!" Yes, you need some 液肥, both will work for you. You may also try some less expensive fertilizer like 'Flourish', than 'Flourish Iron', they may also work for you.