Macbrush 寫:
Its good idea to have the CO2 injected into the filter, so the propeller can further mistify the bubble (but it make small noise once in a while) and CO2 stay in contact with water longer.
I think it won't hurt the nitrobacters since they depends on oxygen while CO2 saturation shouldn't affect O2 saturation. As long as the total CO2 is within safe level, they should be okay.
Yes. As long as you are not bumping the CO2 like crazy, it will not affect O2 within saturation limit. I remember this is related to GH and KH. (pls correct if I remember wrong)
Another interest information that, some people (forget the source) test with a empty tank with gravel attached with a canister filter, the result show that the filter only has 15% of the bio-bacteria of the total system. The remaining 85% are located everywhere in the tank such as gravel, glass, tubes....etc. That's why people can run the tank OK without any mechnical filter or just the power head.