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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2012-02-16 17:55 

註冊時間: 2004-04-03 11:39
文章: 8
新手一問 24"X12"x14" 以下器材用品夠嗎?

Light: weipro LED-C-60
Filter: Eheim 2213
ADA power sand 2L
ADA Amazonia 9L x2
CO2 - 遲d先dry or 買~(陰草是否無需要?)
氣泵 < 是否無需要?
水冷 < 用風扇頂住先可以嗎?(邊D 草耐熱D)


Thank you!

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2012-02-17 23:10 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820

Light: weipro LED-C-60: I would not recommend LED lights.
Filter: Eheim 2213: This is not enough for a standard 24" tank. 2215 is the minimum and you'll need 2217 if you have chiller.
ADA power sand 2L: OK.
ADA Amazonia 9L x2: That's too much. 10L of soil should be more than enough. So you should buy 9Lx1 and 3Lx1. Leave some soil for spare use.
CO2 - 遲d先dry or 買~(陰草是否無需要?): I'd say CO2 is a must, even for 陰草. Without CO2, some 陰草 may grow but not as beautiful as they should be.
氣泵 < 是否無需要?: No need at all for planted tanks.
水冷 < 用風扇頂住先可以嗎?(邊D 草耐熱D): All depends on your room temperature. But frankly, you should have one if you want to have a decent setup.


24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2012-02-17 23:17 

註冊時間: 2004-04-03 11:39
文章: 8
Fish Fan 寫:

Light: weipro LED-C-60: I would not recommend LED lights.
Filter: Eheim 2213: This is not enough for a standard 24" tank. 2215 is the minimum and you'll need 2217 if you have chiller.
ADA power sand 2L: OK.
ADA Amazonia 9L x2: That's too much. 10L of soil should be more than enough. So you should buy 9Lx1 and 3Lx1. Leave some soil for spare use.
CO2 - 遲d先dry or 買~(陰草是否無需要?): I'd say CO2 is a must, even for 陰草. Without CO2, some 陰草 may grow but not as beautiful as they should be.
氣泵 < 是否無需要?: No need at all for planted tanks.
水冷 < 用風扇頂住先可以嗎?(邊D 草耐熱D): All depends on your room temperature. But frankly, you should have one if you want to have a decent setup.


多謝fish fan Filter: 2217會否太大出水?因跟2215差一百蚊

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2012-02-19 17:58 

註冊時間: 2011-12-09 02:37
文章: 22
Fish Fan 寫:

Light: weipro LED-C-60: I would not recommend LED lights.
Filter: Eheim 2213: This is not enough for a standard 24" tank. 2215 is the minimum and you'll need 2217 if you have chiller.
ADA power sand 2L: OK.
ADA Amazonia 9L x2: That's too much. 10L of soil should be more than enough. So you should buy 9Lx1 and 3Lx1. Leave some soil for spare use.
CO2 - 遲d先dry or 買~(陰草是否無需要?): I'd say CO2 is a must, even for 陰草. Without CO2, some 陰草 may grow but not as beautiful as they should be.
氣泵 < 是否無需要?: No need at all for planted tanks.
水冷 < 用風扇頂住先可以嗎?(邊D 草耐熱D): All depends on your room temperature. But frankly, you should have one if you want to have a decent setup.


氣泵 < 是否無需要?: No need at all for planted tanks.

20'x14'x14' Ehiem 2213
T5HO 24Wx2 & T5Sun-Lux 24Wx1
Co2: 1sec 3drop
ADA Substrate: Amazonia New, Power Sand, Bacter 100,
Tourmaline BC, Clear Super, Penac W, Penac P
ADA Fertilizer: Green Gian, Green Bacter, Phyton-Git,
Green Brighty Step 1, Brighty K

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