Agnesavina 寫:
24" X 12" X 14"
EHEIM 2217
CO2 1L樽+細化器+Weipro ph控制器Personally, I don't think pH controller is necessary, especially for newbies.
GLO t5ho 燈箱 + glo 6700k 2x24w
一開始唔係好識,成晚開住燈,過左2日開始有絲藻,即係大量上網看資料,減燈照時間同減co2。跟住爆蚊滋,原本想遲d先放魚,結果頂唔住多得太緊要所以去買燈魚同飛狐。而家水質叫做穩定左d,d草開始嘔泡,我就隔日換1/3水,同每日落硝化菌水劑It's not necessary at all.,水未算好清但應該漸入佳境。
但而家我有個問題,就係co2應該幾時放。我而家係隨燈打co2,換水後ph係大概6.5-6.7,一秒一泡打到ph 6.1-6.2就停。但係唔知係咪燈照6hr太少You should have 8 hours of lighting each day. But for new tank, you can start at 4 hours and increase 1 hour each week.,通常第二日朝就唔夠氧d蝦同魚要浮面How much CO2 do you supply?,咁我唯有開氣泵。This is no good for planted tanks.
其實夠竟幾時同打幾多co2For your tank size, generally you should have 2 bubbles per sec CO2. But at the beginning when you don't have much plant in the tank, you may start with 1 bubble per sec. In fact, the plants would tell you whether CO2 is enough.?如果未換水一般ph係6.3-6.4,如果打到6.1就停其實唔係打好多co2。。。會唔會唔夠呢。。。
ps 請問點樣post相ga呢度?