macarion 寫:
1. 請問換水後或洗濾桶後,可否立即施加液肥? Yes, you can.
2. 是否在關燈後,施加液肥較好? No. Fertilizers are used to help plants to grow. They should be added when your light is on so that plants can carry out photosynthesis properly.
3. 我的寶塔草及寬葉太陽的莖節得很廋,莖節與莖節之間的距離又很寬,是否營養不足(我已每週定時下液肥)?還是燈太強?如何降決? Sounds like they "追光". What is the dimension of your tank? And what are the colour temperature of your tubes?
4. 我有種矮珍珠兩個多月,矮珍珠還未能佈滿前景,是否正常?如何能種滿前景? Sometimes they take a few months to adapt your tank's condition. Once they start growing, they'll burst. How do they grow? Healthy though slow?
5. 矮珍珠要不要落根肥?插草後幾時落?多久一次? Usually, you can add liquid fertilizers 3 months after the tank is set up and do that on a daily basis. On top of liquid fertilizers, you may add bottom sticks once every three months as well.
14" 缸,501濾水器,24w T5燈( 8 - 10 小時),ADA 一代泥,用沉木、石等造景,水溫保持25-27度、CO2 2秒1粒。 Eden 501 is not enough for your tank. The water flow is too weak. Also, for your tank size, you should have at least 1 bubble er sec CO2 supply. Try to keep the tank at 25c which I would say is the optimal temperature for most of the plants. 28c is the maximum. Considering the low temperature these day but yet the tank still reaches 25c, you have to install fans to help cool it down. In extreme cases, you may need to install a chiller so that plants can grow properly in summer. Also, you need to check the pH of the tank as you have rocks inside.