koonyue 寫:
吾知 post o係度o岩吾o岩, 錯左吾好意思
係咁既, 我琴日手多多去買左包 NH3/4 Tester kit, 結果係 4mg/L ....
開左缸兩個 week, 只有少量草, 小精靈 x2, 紅蓮燈 x 3
仲有 d 水係淺綠色, 之前個出水開到好大同打泥面, 番起哂 d 泥 .... 唉
頭 10 日吾識, 一日開燈 8-10 個鐘, 今日 week 已經變番一日 4 個鐘
隔日會換隔夜水 10%
其實而家應該種多 d 草, 落魚, 定咩都吾做等?
- NH3/4 @ 4mg/L suggests that the N-cycle in your aquarium has not completed. This level is toxic to fishes and you could expect a high level of casualty or very weak fish life. Nothing much you can do unless you have a spare tank + a spare air pump to keep the fishes separately.
- Greenish water suggest that you could have an algae outbreak. Increasing the proportion of water change to 20~25% and reduced lighting would help although it would still take time. If you have no fishes in the tank, you can increase water-chg % to 33% or even 50%.
(I had to deal with very muddy water at one time and I literally swapped out the entire tank's water every night over 4-5 nights before the situation improved. But then I had no fishes just plants at that time and can do whatever I like)
- Increasing the number of plants would help completing your N-cycle as
good growing plants take up Nitrogen by breaking down NH3/4, NO2 & NO3 in the water. However, plants take time to establish themselves and you are not going to see an immediate effect.
http://www.csd.net/~cgadd/aqua/art_plant_newtank.htm- I would recommend focusing on completing the N-cycle -
achieving zero NH4 + zero NO2 - before you introduce more fishes. Planting heavily will help but avoid dosing fertilizers until 4th or 5th week onwards as the plants should be able to get nutrients directly from the soil.
- Keep up with the water chg and you may consider adding ADA's Green Gain & Green Bacter during this long wait. These help plants and the bacteria system establish themselves.
Good luck!