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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-25 09:42 

註冊時間: 2001-10-17 08:00
文章: 446
來自: 香港上環
About those "white powder" at the bottom of Fat Tak's tank. I don't think they are Bacter 100 or Super clear because Bacter 100 is brown in colour and Super Clear is black.
As for the "white powder" I guess they are another products of ADA which are called Penac P and Penac W. Both of these are for the base layer of new set up tank.
The function of Penac P is to activate the growth of plants and increases their resistance to diseases. The function of Penac W is to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen and activates the aerobic bacterial within the substrate. Therefore the substrate won't harden and the amount of sludge decreases.
Hope this help. :grin: :grin:

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-25 15:01 

註冊時間: 2001-10-04 08:00
文章: 267
來自: Earth
as you can see they also using the Penac A in the other tank in the front door to improve the water quality and increace the dissolve of CO2

There were tons of product from ADA with advance technology, is very interesting to know more about it

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