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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-11 20:13 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
問題似乎解決了! :grin:

用 2215 推25-36W uv 是可行的. 但高差最好不多過 1.5米!

用 2260 推水冷也沒問題!

至於燈的問題, 我都認為 Arcarti 是不錯的選擇, 如無貨的話我個人會考慮從二手市場購買 good condition 的 Series 3, 又或者買枝大陸燈例如 Atman 然後揾人改晒用 Philips 電子牛和較優質的接線, 效果也會不錯的!


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-11 22:02 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Andy Kong 寫:
問題似乎解決了! :grin:

用 2215 推25-36W uv 是可行的. 但高差最好不多過 1.5米!

用 2260 推水冷也沒問題!

至於燈的問題, 我都認為 Arcarti 是不錯的選擇, 如無貨的話我個人會考慮從二手市場購買 good condition 的 Series 3, 又或者買枝大陸燈例如 Atman 然後揾人改晒用 Philips 電子牛和較優質的接線, 效果也會不錯的!

big brother, u are finally back. :ugeek: i was waiting for u years. :beatu: haha, coz you can tell the theory and your experience to tell us what to do. it is more easy to understand and got an excuse to trust your theory. :redface:
:P i will use the 2215 as a pre-filter for the 2260. I have purchased a 2217 today, which i can push it for the uv & as a second filter to join the n-cycle in a big tank.
:ugeek: I have put the 2217 onto my 18" tank now. :o the bubbles of the plant is like triple from before. maybe the flow rate of 2215 is not enough even for my 18" tank.

揾人改晒用 Philips 電子牛和較優質的接線 :grin: it is easy to get cheat by others since i don't know anything in the electronic. i know the glo is good enough for me but i like to have an open top, so the maintance is more easy and looks much nicer. so, i try to move to something with open top. so, i choose arcadia. but, the hk dealer didn't have anything for 48". So, i have to give up again. i went to see the ada solar. but, it seems to be too small for a 20" depth of tank. then, i look at the ada grand solar. bingo! but quite expensive.
so, what i will do now is i see if i can purcahse the arcadia 48" later(either t5ho or hqi depends on the price). otherwise, maybe grand solar 1. what i found is that the ada green bulb really looks smooth and the light wouldn't shoot onto your eyes so much. what i will do is i will try to get arcadia 48". if still not available when i make my purchase, then i will go for ada grand solar 1 mostly. :redface: you only have to pay the equipement once, so it is alright even it is so damn expensive.
ada grand solar : $5500- $1000 for the hqi bulb - few hundred for the tube. then you will feel a little better.. haha. this is a stupid solution.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-12 09:02 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
如改燈的話可找科聯, 置頂的水族小字典有地址, 是可靠的電業鋪可訂造燈具. 開 48吋缸花萬多元買燈具是超貴了!

早前都建議用 2217 的, 但 2260 是用25/34 軟喉的, 比 2215 的 12/16 出水幼很多, 你打算如何改裝成 pre-filter?


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-12 11:40 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Andy Kong 寫:
如改燈的話可找科聯, 置頂的水族小字典有地址, 是可靠的電業鋪可訂造燈具. 開 48吋缸花萬多元買燈具是超貴了!

早前都建議用 2217 的, 但 2260 是用25/34 軟喉的, 比 2215 的 12/16 出水幼很多, 你打算如何改裝成 pre-filter?

:somad: just found out something today. my current tank is 11" high and i use 15wx4ada tube. when i turn on the light, the fishes high at the back. so, i should take out one tube.
in this case, i will only get the t5ho for my 48" for sure, so the fishes will feel better. :grin: just like what you said in the other post.
i just stick with glo if aracdia t5ho is not available, better not to consider too much.
for 2215, i just take out the motor and put the white pad into the 2215. so, i only have to wash the 2215 once 3 months. all the filter stuff goes to 2260 and wash once a year. so. water fom tank>2215>2260>chiller>back to tank.
i don't know the tube size. :o bigger one got smaller tube? can u tell me more how to work it out? is there anything which can be connect from 12/16 to 25/34?
:soThanks: :soThanks: :soThanks:

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-12 17:33 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
問題出在 22l5 > 2260 這個接駁點。 無得改細喉的, 比你改到, 2260都唔夠水流啦!


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-12 18:49 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Andy Kong 寫:
問題出在 22l5 > 2260 這個接駁點。 無得改細喉的, 比你改到, 2260都唔夠水流啦!

thanks. so, 2215 can not connect to 2260. in this case, then i just keep 2215 for my small tank. I thought the pre-filter do not require big size for the main canister of the flow rate. just any container without leaking. :ugeek:

just wonder one more question. if i use glo. would you use the philips tube or glo tube.
philips = $3x (as i found from this website)
glo = $115
seems people are saying that the glo would make the red plant better according to the previous post. :ugeek: you make me the decision for me then. haha,

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-12 22:30 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:
Andy Kong 寫:
問題出在 22l5 > 2260 這個接駁點。 無得改細喉的, 比你改到, 2260都唔夠水流啦!

thanks. so, 2215 can not connect to 2260. in this case, then i just keep 2215 for my small tank. I thought the pre-filter do not require big size for the main canister of the flow rate. just any container without leaking. :ugeek:

just wonder one more question. if i use glo. would you use the philips tube or glo tube.
philips = $3x (as i found from this website)
glo = $115
seems people are saying that the glo would make the red plant better according to the previous post. :ugeek: you make me the decision for me then. haha,

I have only used Philips T5HO, back in 3-4 years ago, we don't have that many choice on T5HO tubes, that's why I prefer to stick with PL and T8 whenever possible. I'll go for GLO based on my previous experience with T8.


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-12 23:49 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
t8 wouldn't e enough for my 22" height tank. so, t5ho is the only choice.
u mean glo light with glo tube or glo light with philips tube.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-13 00:37 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:
t8 wouldn't e enough for my 22" height tank. so, t5ho is the only choice.
u mean glo light with glo tube or glo light with philips tube.

GLO light with GLO tube :grin:


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-13 00:46 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
deal. finished the decision. :grin: you are a very interesting person.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-13 22:36 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776

just wonder a question. why your big high tank can use T8 instead of T5HO? I thought the light of T8 will not reach to the bottom. is it because your tank do not have those 前景草as 迷矮 or 矮珍珠? :grin: Just want to learn your theory again.

2004-08-19: 聽信話砂是中性的理論後,閉門造車設計了這個前砂後泥的 layout, 中間有啞膠片分隔,砂底有喉用兩個 1000L/hr 潛泵,AA 套缸用兩個頂濾,2x40W (48") T8 管,a typical Joke. 我挑的沉木並不適合做景,但卻提供極多空間和 Hiding place 給魚兒! pH7.5 以上,所以決定未落魚前便翻缸改用泥底!

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-14 20:11 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:

just wonder a question. why your big high tank can use T8 instead of T5HO? I thought the light of T8 will not reach to the bottom. is it because your tank do not have those 前景草as 迷矮 or 矮珍珠? :grin: Just want to learn your theory again.

2004-08-19: 聽信話砂是中性的理論後,閉門造車設計了這個前砂後泥的 layout, 中間有啞膠片分隔,砂底有喉用兩個 1000L/hr 潛泵,AA 套缸用兩個頂濾,2x40W (48") T8 管,a typical Joke. 我挑的沉木並不適合做景,但卻提供極多空間和 Hiding place 給魚兒! pH7.5 以上,所以決定未落魚前便翻缸改用泥底!

I have tried T8, 36W PL and 70W HQI in that tank at different time of year, I suggest you raise your question in the original thread and ask specifically regarding the lighting setup of a particular setup, I should be able to recall the lighting I used at that specific time, and we can discuss from there on.


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-17 12:27 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:grin: 來來回回,又番黎t5ho身边. 點解?

1. t5ho唔太貴. 第日對草,做景有一定認識時再算. 有時有無需要到要求咁高呢?
2. hqi好貴,熱,重.
3. 唔洗用吊架. 又save多幾舊

考慮緊glo定arcadia 既t5ho. 選擇已大量缩窄. 最後2強. 買glo就行貨,arcadia 就大陸水貨及水草maintance方便d. 价錢glo HK$1560 vs arcadia RMB1280. :o arcadia重平過glo.
睇過舊文, arcadia 就 philips牛推1支管. 唔知glo 又係點呢? 照道理,係咪應該arcadia光d呢? (如glo唔係1牛1管)

因為个缸係48"長 x 20"濶 x 22"高. 好驚唔夠光. 如唔夠光,glo就可以加多一套2管. 睇黎依个選擇安全d.

唉,个plan又要delay,5月分訂得缸. 就黎激死我喇

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-17 14:13 

註冊時間: 2010-01-14 19:29
文章: 163
來自: 香港

缸I: 24" 12" 14"
Co2: 2秒/3 8hur 11:45-19:30
燈: T5HO 24w x 4 2:00-20:00

缸II: 10" 10" 10"
燈: PL 11w 12:00-20:00

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-17 19:59 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
merchandiser 寫:

:) really. let me check check cin

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