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 文章主題 : [問題]ph value
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-05-26 19:25 

註冊時間: 2002-04-17 23:35
文章: 91
來自: 慈雲山
Hi all,

For me, a person who keep aquarium not actually long so maybe the following ideas wrong :c :c

Having read from some books (also from the ADA ablums), the idea ph should be kept around 6.8; the most favour value for planted tank and tropical fishes.
For using gravel sand (not containing shells!), this value can be nearly achieved with co2 injection althrough at the morning ph may raised higher than 7.0. Generally, KH is about 7 to 8.

I have an intention to change my layout and use the ADA black mud. But quite afraid that the ph is too low (around 5.5, information from previous posts showing that the value is this low even the tank has been settled down through several weeks)

By comparing the ph, there is more than 1.0 difference. Actually I'm confusing about that......Can anybody kindly advice me? :h :h

Many thanks,

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