Admin reply: you enter the wrong email address, so system cannot send email to you, already correct the email address. you can try to login, thanks.
Added: September 20, 2007
Submitted by Name: dogboy
Comments: 不能註冊.沒有確認.無通關密碼.唔知點註冊.
Added: September 20, 2007
Submitted by Name: dogboy
Comments: 沒收到認證,不能進入.謝!
Admin reply: do not have your record
Added: September 19, 2007
Submitted by Name: God father
Comments: I have requested few times for my password since my computer is now reloaded with software. I can't receive it from my email or you could send to my company mail address Thanks
Name: ching928
但不懂怎樣填通闢密碼 ,可否指教一下
Admin reply: WelCome