Comments: 我是 Jack Ho ....約 2004年己是註冊會員,己好幾個月己沒登入,而又剛換了電腦....舊的 emai address..." 己無法收取貴會之訊息...請將新發之密碼轉寄至 謝謝
Admin reply: change your mail to, please use the forget password function to retrieve the password.
Added: June 7, 2009
Submitted by Name: takud
Comments: hi..i registered.but have not receive any email.. could u send me again??
Admin reply: sorry, do not have your user name record, may be you need to register again, thanks.
Added: June 1, 2009
Submitted by Name: kowloon
Comments: I can't log on and saw messagebelow. please help. "General Error Language file prime_quick_login.php couldn't be opened. Please notify the board administrator or webmaster:"
Admin reply: because you use the english interface, now change your profile to chinese, please try again. thanks.
Added: June 1, 2009
Submitted by Name: Luk
Comments: 不好意思,因太久沒登入,我已忘記了會員名稱、pw用哪個e-mail address,請問可否還check到呢?我在留言室找到之的資料-於March 4 2008曾問過改名的問題,當時的名稱是Luk,結果如何請reply me by mail:
Admin reply: change your mail to
please use restore password function again. thanks.
Name: yukw
不能確認代碼, 已經不斷輸入代碼, 但都說是錯誤,
Admin reply: code is WELCOME